Autores/as: Dra. Patricia Frisari - Dr. Raúl Pinto - Bq. Orlando Etchegoyen
Title: Analysis of the therapeutic use of platelet growth factors in facial aging powered by bipolar resistive radiofrequency using a new application technique with flexible microcannulas.
Place/Date: Argentine Society of Aesthetic Medicine, Bs. As., 2011.
Objective: To evaluate results obtained from two biological and thermal dermal stimulation techniques of facial aging by using a new and less traumatic method for the application of growth factors such as the flexible microcannulas.
Material & Methods: A treatment with autologous growth factors and radiofrequency was applied. Medical records, biopsies, echographs, photographs and a satisfaction score were considered at the beginning and at the end of the treatment of patients with facial aging.
Results: Patients receiving this combined treatment showed histological and echographic changes coinciding with the aesthetic results and a positive satisfaction score.
Conclusions: The use of autologous growth factors every 60 days combined with the RF every 60 days showed visible aesthetics results which were maintained up to 12 months after the last session. The application of growth factors with flexible microcannulas provided a non-traumatic, well tolerated and quick recovery method for patients.
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